Marinomed granted Chinese patent for cold virus fighting polymer

Related tags Patent Influenza

Marinomed targest the common cold in China
Marinomed Biotechnologies is set to take on the ‘common cold’ in China with a new patent for an anti-viral polymer technology that prevents rhinovirus infection.

The patented polymer – which was developed by Marinomed using its Mavirex technology platform – is delivered as a nasal spray that binds virus particles and prevents them from infecting the cells that line the nasal passages.

CEO Andreas Grassauer – who likens the polymer’s binding action to the way a burdock becomes trapped in wool – told how Marinomed plans to bring it to market in the world’s most populous country.

China is an enormous big and fast growing market. For our product portfolio we currently estimate that China will be one of the top five countries worldwide​,” Grassauer said, adding that “We are planning a long term sales and licensing partnership with an experienced Chinese company.

We believe that such partnership can provide a unique position for the Chinese partner and will result in a benefit for both sides. We assume that in the beginning manufacturing will be done in Europe. However when sales go up a local production is probably more cost effective.

The Austria-based firm's technology has already attracted the attention of German drugmaker Boehringer Ingelheim, which licensed marketing rights to the antiviral peptide in most of Europe, South America, Russia, Australia and some parts of Asia in 2010.

Boehringer sells the anti-vial polymer under the Mucosolvan brand in a range of over-the-counter (OTC) spray, tablet and syrup formulations.   

Marinomed wants to sign similar deals in China and beyond according to Grassauer, who believes potential partners stand to reap significant financial benefits.

We are seeking strong partners for all markets and licensing the complete antiviral product portfolio that includes several types of nasal sprays, lozenges, throat sprays and others would make sense.

Especially for big markets such as the USA, China and Japan the whole portfolio could be of significant value for a potential partner.

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