High volume chromatography media from GE

GE Healthcare has launched the first in a new family of
chromatography media designed specifically to handle the high
volumes used in the bioprocessing sector.

The new Capto Q medium for protein purification in downstream processing meets a growing need in the biopharmaceutical market to process large feed volumes with high protein expression levels, according to the company.

Intended for use in the capture and intermediate purification of high expression and high volume feeds, Capto Q's highly rigid matrix allows a wider working range of flow velocities, bed heights and sample viscosities, all of which positively influence processing costs.

High flow velocities increase volume throughput and reduce process time; longer bed heights eliminate the need for large equipment and keep footprints small; and high-flow processing of viscous samples means less dilution and shorter cycle times.

A high capacity strong quaternary ammonium (Q) ion exchanger, coupled to a chemically modified high-flow agarose matrix, enables high flow rates at manufacturing-scale under low pressure conditions, thereby providing a fast, efficient and cost effective purification process.

Mats Grahn, vice president of product management, protein separations at GE Healthcare , said that the combination of a strong ion exchanger and chemically modified matrix are the key design elements behind Capto Q. "The high dynamic binding capabilities at high flow rates allow fast purification of large volume high expression feeds, enabling increased throughput in downstream processing,"​ he noted.

Capto Q is also available in prepacked HiTrap column format.

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