Markets & Regulations

INN debate: IFPMA pushes for biosimilar label changes

Dispatches from DIA Euromeeting

INN debate: IFPMA pushes for biosimilar label changes

By Fiona BARRY

IFPMA will advocate for all biologics to have a qualifier added to their names at the WHO’s INN Consultation on April 8, the biologics giant Amgen has told

Indiana biosimilar switching requirements become law


Indiana biosimilar switching requirements become law

By Gareth Macdonald

Industry group BIO has commended Indiana Governor Mike Pence for signing laws that will mean doctors must give pharmacists permission to switch a biologic for a biosimilar.

Majority of EU member states say ‘no’ to INNs for biosimilars

Majority of EU member states say ‘no’ to INNs for biosimilars

By Zachary Brennan

Most EU member states “strongly supported” the idea that biosimilars should be closely aligned with their reference products, according to a summary of the European Commission’s pharmaceutical committee meeting released Monday.

What’s holding up biosimilars in the US? Researchers investigate

What’s holding up biosimilars in the US? Researchers investigate

By Zachary Brennan

Politics might not be the only obstacle in getting biosimilars approved in the US, though much of the rest of the world seems intent on obtaining approvals as fast as possible, according to a new report from research company Frost & Sullivan.

Dendreon's European Provenge CMO to add capacity with plant acqusition

Provenge CMO PharmaCell contracted for 2nd product

By Gareth Macdonald

PharmaCell, the CMO that makes Provenge for Dendreon in Europe, has agreed to buy a facility from TiGenix to add capacity and a manufacturing contract for a second commercial product.